Manufacturer Info
These busbar insulator covers help protect from accidental shorts.
All sold in boxes of 12.
MN1/0LBBC-W (Long white)
MN1/0SBBC-W (Short white)
MN1/0LBBC-R (Long red)
MN1/0SBBC-R (Short red)
MN1/0LBBC-G (Long green)
MN1/0SBBC-G (Short green)
MN1/0LBBC-BLK (Long black)
MN1/0SBBC-BLK (Short black)
Warranty - 5 yrs.
All sold in boxes of 12.
MN1/0LBBC-W (Long white)
MN1/0SBBC-W (Short white)
MN1/0LBBC-R (Long red)
MN1/0SBBC-R (Short red)
MN1/0LBBC-G (Long green)
MN1/0SBBC-G (Short green)
MN1/0LBBC-BLK (Long black)
MN1/0SBBC-BLK (Short black)
Warranty - 5 yrs.
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