Manufacturer Info
Optimize Battery Maintenance and Monitoring via a Large LCD Display
The Magnum Energy CC Series Charge Controllers by Sensata Technologies provide exceptional control and state-of-charge determination via an easy-to-read LCD display. The large display shows operating modes with the aid of symbols, and the state of charge is represented visually in the form of a level meter. Voltage, current, and an energy meter can also be displayed.
The Magnum Energy CC Series Charge Controllers by Sensata Technologies provide exceptional control and state-of-charge determination via an easy-to-read LCD display. The large display shows operating modes with the aid of symbols, and the state of charge is represented visually in the form of a level meter. Voltage, current, and an energy meter can also be displayed.
- Shunt topology with MOSFETs
- Accurate state of charge (SOC) determination
- Automatic detection of voltage
- PWM control
- Multistage charging technology
- Load disconnection depending on SOC
- Automatic load reconnection
- Temperature compensation
- Option to use negative earthing of one or positive earthing of several terminals
- Integrated data logger (energy meter)
- Evening, night light and daylight functions
- Integrated self test
- Monthly equalization charge
- Owners Manual | Download
- Product Specifications | Download
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