Manufacturer Info
VE.Bus to VE.Can interface
This product is deprecated, and no longer required!
his interface was, only!, used in Hub-1 systems with grid-feedback enabled. It interfaced between the VE.Bus system and one or more MPPT solar chargers with a VE.Can connection: the MPPT 150/70 and/or MPPT 150/85.
But, since the release of CCGX v1.73, it is no longer necessary.
This product is deprecated, and no longer required!
his interface was, only!, used in Hub-1 systems with grid-feedback enabled. It interfaced between the VE.Bus system and one or more MPPT solar chargers with a VE.Can connection: the MPPT 150/70 and/or MPPT 150/85.
But, since the release of CCGX v1.73, it is no longer necessary.